Words From Her - Mother's Day 2021 Part 2

Posted: 28 April 2021

This Mother's Day we want to celebrate diversity and how unique all maternal relationships and journeys are.

Mother's Day 2021

This Mother's Day we want to celebrate diversity and how unique all maternal relationships and journeys are. This year, we chose to connect with motherly figures in our community and share their unique stories. Our intention is to celebrate motherhood in all of her forms. Read on to learn about the Women in your community and their individual parenting journeys.

Words From Her.


What Does Mother's Day Represent for You?

"For me, it is an opportunity to celebrate the incredible woman my mum is and the immense role she plays in my life. Now being a mum myself I realise what a sacrificial and selfless job it is, and can be a thankless job at times too! So although mums should be celebrated every day of the year, I love having a day to truly thank my mum for everything she is and has done for me."

Who/What Has Influenced Your Parenting Style?

"My parents and their parenting style with raising my brother and I have definitely formed the foundation of my parenting style, along with my own life experiences of observing other parents and forming my own values of what I believe to be important in raising children. Ethan and I have formed our own parenting style based on the way we have raised ourselves as well as our mutual values as a couple."


How Do You Manage Balance as A Mother?

"It has been a bit difficult finding time for myself in the midst of the newborn bubble! But I’ve been taking little moments where I can to do things that fill my cup like take a little sunset walk around the neighbourhood while Ethan watches the babies, put on a face mask or make myself a cup of tea and watch Netflix while the babies sleep. I’ve also been making time to connect with Ethan by taking the babies for a walk to get a morning coffee or having dinner together once the babies are asleep."

What Advice Will You Share with Your Little One?

"As a Christian, my faith comes first in my life. It fulfils me and the overflow of that enables me to be the best mum, wife, friend, daughter etc that I can be. Ethan and I have prayed continuously over our babies and have such grateful hearts for these little blessings we’ve been given. Therefore my advice to my little ones would be to put God first and lean on Him through all seasons of life, and everything else will fall into place."


What Does Mother's Day Represent for You?

"For me, Mother's Day is a celebration that honours and appreciates the kindness, compassion, love, grace, and humility of being a mother. It is a moment to stop and appreciate the beauty of motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society. Mums are the best and it's a day to remind them how incredibly special they are."

Who/What Has Influenced Your Parenting Style?

"My mum has largely influenced how I would like to parent. She has always encouraged me to give things a go even if they don't go to plan. A lesson I will never forget. I am also very fortunate to have a beautiful village of friends around me that have children bought up around nature. I have learned so much from them already and can't wait to bring our little one into such a supportive environment."


How Do You Balance Taking Care of Yourself While Being A Busy Mum?

"This has been a tough lesson to learn if I'm being honest. Pregnancy has taught me so many lessons - there is a reason you are pregnant for 9 months. There is a lot to learn! I have learned the hard way (many meltdowns, falling asleep standing up in the shower & being a complete zombie) that if you don't allow yourself "me-time" you won't be able to be the best version of yourself and therefore you won't be able to help others."

What Advice Will You Share with Your Little Ones?

"To always trust yourself. If it feels right do it!"

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