Support your Adrenals this Festive Season
Posted: 21 December 2021
Self-care doesn’t need to look like fluffy bathrobes and face masks; it can be as simple as deep belly breaths, setting personal boundaries and reaching for healing foods.
A Naturopath's Guide to Adrenal Support
We are well and truly in the festive period! And moments away from celebrating the end of 2021 (and what a whirlwind year it’s been). Although the parties, celebrations, events and potential new beginnings of 2022 are filled with excitement, they can definitely fuel feelings of stress and anxiety.
Overall, the festive period can demand a lot from us – emotionally, physically and financially. For many, finding the emotional and energy reserves to plough through the festivities can seem arduous.
With this, self-care tends to be thrown out the window, leaving no reserves for ourselves. So if there is ever a time to prioritise self-care, this is it. Self-care doesn’t need to look like fluffy bathrobes and face masks; it can be as simple as deep belly breaths, setting personal boundaries and reaching for healing foods.

Simple Acts of Self-Care
Set boundaries & schedule time out
Try your best to set realistic expectations and boundaries for yourself and others. This might look like saying no to an event in order to rest, avoid over-committing, or having a plan B in place if a family reunion isn’t going as planned. It’s also a great idea to plan time to rest between social/work commitments, in order to recharge and connect with the self.
On the other hand, isolation and loneliness affects many people during the festive season. Make a plan to connect with loved ones (online, if separated by distance), volunteer at a shelter, or attend community events to maintain a sense of connection.

Deep Belly Breaths
There are so many breathing techniques out there. The easiest to implement is slow, controlled breaths through the nose, focusing on expanding the abdomen (rather than the chest).
Watch your alcohol consumption
A Christmas cocktail or two can be a fun way to celebrate however, too much can be a slippery slope, particularly for those dealing with anxiety or depression.

Reach for Magnesium
Magnesium helps to down-regulate the physiological stress response and promote relaxation. Start munching on dark leafy green vegetables, pumpkin seeds, almonds, black beans, edamame, brown rice, quinoa, figs, avocados, bananas and cacao.
Passionflower and lemon balm
These herbs are much-loved by naturopaths for anxiety. Brew a warm or iced tea to experience their gentle calming effect. Always chat to a naturopath or herbalist about herbal supplements as they’re not all created equal and can interact with certain medications.

Vitamin C
Not just for the sniffles. Our adrenals, small glands near our kidneys that help produce hormones, absolutely love vitamin C! Particularly when they’re tuckered out from chronic stress. Reach for citrus, capsicum, berries, broccoli, kiwi fruit, brussel sprouts, and papaya.
Although the festive season is filled with excitement, it’s also important to allow yourself time to recharge and reset, and this will look different from person to person. Ask yourself: What do I need to recharge? What provides me joy and relaxation? and how can I implement this into my week?
Remember, self-love is the map that brings you back home. And home is where the heart glows, the mind flourishes and the body regenerates.

About the Author
Laura Ballin is a Clinical Naturopath (BHSc) passionate about empowering individuals to reconnect with their body and return home to their true-self. After battling with an eating disorder and various digestive concerns, Laura has a special interest in the gut, mental health, women’s hormonal health and skin conditions. Laura is available for consultations in South-East Queensland and online.
Website: www.odetoself.com.au
Instagram: @ode.toself