3 Books You Need To Read Right Now
Posted: 12 September 2023
We’re all about enjoying the good things in life – and what’s much better than curling up in bed with a good book? To inspire your next literary adventure we’re here with three personal favourites straight from our team’s recent reading list.
First up we have seeing Other People by Diana Reid - this is a true comedic gem that revolves around Eleanor, who is navigating her way through a spiritless corporate job and her relationship with her impulsive sister. It’s a great story about self-discovery and asks the question ‘what is the line between selfishness and self-love’ which I think is a really relatable question for those of us navigating the complexities of their 30s.
Next up is Sad Girl Novel by Pip Finkemeyer - which is all about Kim, an Aussie in Berlin who is chasing her dreams and ultimately self-validation. This book serves up a relatable cocktail of self-discovery, self-doubt, and hilarious irony as Kim goes on a wild ride from doubting her genius to owning. With a tonne of witty one-liners and unexpected turns, I guarantee this book will keep you hooked.
Lastly, we have absolutely loved Body Friend by Katherine Brabon and think this is a book that every 30 something woman should read. It’s all about a woman living with Chronic Illness and her friendships with two women, and without giving too much away, this book basically is asking what it means to truly know ourselves, and is all about the relationship between body and self, and how we must dive beneath the surface to really know ourselves.